Asian American Luminary Awards (AALA) Selection Committee will select the award recipients from fields like Aerospace, Biomedicine / Global Health, Intelligent Technology, Telecommunication, Finance and Community Engagement (“Award Fields”) based on the following criteria and weighting factors:
A. General Qualification:
- Nominee must be of Asian American heritage.
- Nominee must be a US citizen or legal permanent resident contributed to the betterment of pacific northwest.
- Nominee must be an engineer, scientist, educator, or corporate or government leader who has made exemplary contributions or support to the professions in the Award Fields.
- Once selected, a nominee must be present at the award banquet to receive the award.
B. Basic Selection Criteria:
Please provide the following information for application.
Professional Achievement and Impact (up to 40%):
- The current or last professional employment including position, the name and location of the company or institution. Responsibilities: e.g. staff supervisions, handling of annual budget. Accountability: e.g. Job functions and challenges.
- All prior major employment with names and locations, and the candidate’s position and principal responsibilities in each prior major employment.
- If applicable, provide up to 8 prominent STEM related projects that the candidate was principally responsible for, and statements of candidate’s role and the significance of each of these projects.
- Services to professional societies and committees including offices held and committee assignments with dates at professional societies and communities, such as AIChE, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, SPE, and CIE,ABET, etc.
- List publications, keynote speeches, patents and honor awards in reverse chronological order of dates. Include statements of global impact and exemplary significance of the candidate’s professional accomplishments.
Service Descriptions – Community Involvements (up to 30%):
Include candidate’s services to the community and impact to individuals, community and humanity. List committees joined with dates. Attach statements of significance for all major services rendered to the community. Testimonial from community service beneficiaries is a big plus.
Additional Information Unique About this Candidate (up to 30%):
Include additional information unique to this candidate that was not covered in professional achievement nor community services areas and information relevant to the specific award category that the nominee is applying for.
C. Specific Award Category Criteria
2019 AALA has four award categories. The award criteria are defined in the following:
1. Asian American Corporate Leadership Award
This award recognizes individual who has outstanding leadership in developing products or services in the Award Fields. The leadership will be judged on the following criteria:
a. 10+ years of professional experience.
b. Created, developed and released new products or services.
c. Companies, products and technologies created by these winners, laid the foundation for the evolution to the next generation of products or services.
d. The commitment to industry collaboration set the model for accelerating the development and deployment of products or services through and with industry consortia activities.
e. Collaborate with other companies and/or individuals in achieving great success of new engineering, technology products or services.
f. Mentoring others and engaging in human potential development.
g. A leadership role model/example of excellence to others.
2. Asian American Entrepreneurial Achievement Award
This individual must own at least 10 percent or more of a thriving business with strong financial growth in the Award Fields. Entrepreneurs will be judged on the following criteria:
a. Insightfulness on growth sectors.
b. Innovativeness to design or re-design of high-quality products,
c. Leadership, managerial skills & earning responsibilities.
d. Impact benefits on the general community.
e. A role model/example of excellence to other entrepreneurs.
3. Asian American Science and Engineering Innovation Award
The individual must be a well-established engineer or scientist having significant contributions in his/her technical field through innovation. Innovation achievement will be judged on the following criteria:
a. Made significant and measurable contributions to his/her field.
b. Demonstrate consistent dedication and commitment to the growth and advancement of field of science and engineering through innovation.
c. Recognized as subject matter expert in his/her field and/or industry.
d. Demonstrate active leadership role within his/her organization
e. A technical role model for his/her organization.
4. Asian American Services Award
The individual must have consistently demonstrated qualities of leadership and community engagement/services, creating connections between people and organizations in order to enhance STEM related career paths in the community. Services achievement will be judged on the following criteria:
a. Exemplify inspirational community engagement/services and leadership through teaching, coaching, organizing, and serving.
b. His/her services/actions have made a lasting or meaningful contribution to STEM career paths for the community.
c. His/her service or actions are above and beyond the call of duty.
d. Mentoring others and engaging in human potential development.
e. A service role model/example of excellence to others.