Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Location: Gene Coulon Beach Park (North Shelter), 1201 Lk Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056
Time: 上午11點至下午3點(餐盒發放時間約為中午12點)From 11am to 3pm (Lunch boxes will be provided at noon)
Entertainment: 魔術;遊戲;功夫表演;排舞; 等多項闔家共賞的活動 Magics; Games; Gong Fu; Line Dances … etc. for all ages to enjoy
Here is the digital form to register this year’s Summer Picnic! Please read the question carefully on the payment, and leave a note or your name to identify yourself. Based on the sponsoring organization, they expect the attendees to pay when they register. Thank you!