The CIE-USA was founded in 1917 and provides professional STEM outreach and networking opportunities. This year, the Seattle Chapter hosted the AAEOY awards at the Hyatt Regency in Renton, Washington on September 28th, 2024. The Asian American Engineer of the Year Award recognizes the leading engineers across the United States to acknowledge and celebrate their […]
AAEOY 2024 in Seattle
Click HERE to view mMore information about AAEOY 2024.
CIE 2024 Summer Picnic
Date: June 22nd, SaturdayTime: from 11am to 3pm (Lunch will be provided at noon)Location: Gene Coulon Beach Park (North Shelter), 1201 Lake Washington Blvd N. Renton, WA 98056Fees: $20 per adult | $10 per kid (18 and under) Please register and pay by 6/14/24 or before. Participating Organizations: Seattle Chinese Women’s Club; National Taiwan University Alumni […]
2024 The 22nd CIE/USA-Seattle APA Youth Scholarship Application
Click image or Here to apply.
CIE-USA-SEA MathComp & Science Fun 2024
The Robotics Teams will have a demonstration booth available from 12:30PM – 4:00 PM for students and parents to learn/ask questions regarding varying robotics programs. Click HERE to register this FREE event.
2023 CIE/USA-SEA Annual Convention
We are thrilled to announce that the 2023 CIE-SEA Annual Convention is just around the corner! Here is the details and a list of the events scheduled for the day: Our 2023 CIE-SEA Annual Convention will be held at Hyatt Regency Lake Washington on Sep 10th, the following provides the information and the list of the events on that day.📅 Invitation: 2023 CIE/USA-SEA Annual Convention 🎉 […]
Taiwan Science and Technology Hub Conference
Click HERE to register this event.
2023 Annual Summer Picnic
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Location: Gene Coulon Beach Park (North Shelter), 1201 Lk Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 Time: 上午11點至下午3點(餐盒發放時間約為中午12點)From 11am to 3pm (Lunch boxes will be provided at noon) Entertainment: 魔術;遊戲;功夫表演;排舞; 等多項闔家共賞的活動 Magics; Games; Gong Fu; Line Dances … etc. for all ages to enjoy Here is the digital form to register this year’s Summer Picnic! Please read the […]
2023 Asian American Luminary Awards Nomination Program
In every field of achievement, from science and technology to arts and athletics to business and politics, Asian Americans are to be found, loyal to this country, adding to its diversity, and contributing to its distinction. Like other Americans, they are proud of their ethnic heritage, guarantee America’s paramount position leading and innovating for the […]
2023 The 21st CIE/USA- Seattle APA Youth Scholarship Application
1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a. CIE Scholarship Award i. […]
Leadership Program
Tian Changzhuo, also known as CC Tien, is an influential Chinese-American in the fields of engineering and social works. Born in Wuhan, China, he received his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from Taiwan University in 1950 before getting his Masters in architecture at Purdue University, and then graduating from the University of Washington and Seattle University. […]
CIE-USA-SEA MathComp & Science Fun 2022
The Robotics Teams will have a demonstration booth available from 1:00PM – 4:00 PM for students and parents to learn/ask questions regarding varying robotics programs. Click HERE to register this FREE event. Event Schedule Check in: 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Announcement: 1:30 PM – 1:40 PM MathComp: 1:40 PM – 2:25 PM Calculator is not allowed […]
2022 CIE Annual Convention
Written by Kimberly and Amanda Ong At the 2022 CIE annual convention, award winners, family members, and distinguished members of the community gathered to celebrate the Asian American Luminary Award (AALA) awardees and APA Youth Scholarship recipients. The AALA is presented to outstanding Asian Americans professionals in multiple fields from Washington for their contributions and […]
Chinese Institute of Engineers: Youth Scholarship Program
Written by Eesha Jain On September 24th, the Seattle Chapter of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) hosted an Annual Convention for industry professionals and talented middle and high school young scholars. These students are CIE’s annual Youth Scholarship Program nominees, which awards Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to […]
AALA Awards 2022 Recipients
2022 CIE/SEA Asian American Luminary Award Recipients Asian American Corporate Leadership Award Dr. Xuedong Huang (See Bio)Technical Fellow and Chief Technology Officer for Azure AI, Microsoft “Helping every person and organization to realize their potential through the power of artificial intelligence.” Asian American Science and Engineering Innovation Award Dr. Shengyi Liu (See Bio)Technical Fellow, Chief […]
CIE/USA-SEA 2022 Annual Convention
To register for the above events, please click here.For direction to the event site, please click here.
CIE-SEA Summer Picnic 2022
The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Seattle Chapter (CIE-SEA) board directors and volunteers participated in the multi-organizational summer picnic at Gene Coulon Beach Park in Renton on Saturday, August 20. This multiple-organizational summer picnic is an annual tradition for the members of the Chinese Institute of Engineers and their families and provides wonderful food, beverages, and outdoor activities. This […]
CIE-SEA Summer Picnic 2022 Notice
Hello CIE-Seattle Members, We hope are all having a wonderful summer! CIE-Seattle Board would like to invite you to our annual joint picnic event. Please see event summary below and register at “2022 Summer Picnic Registration” by selecting “中國工程師學會 Chinese Institute of Engineers” for membership. Date: Saturday, August 20, 2022 Location: Gene Coulon Beach Park […]
AAEOY Caree Fair
Date/Location: August 6, 2022 / Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel Target: Students looking for internship and entry level positions; mid-career professionals Online application deadline: August 4. Earlier submissions are encouraged for better chances to be selected for interviews Companies: Boeing, SpaceX, AT&T, Texas Instrument, Sandia National Lab, and more Boeing openings: Multiple disciplines (CS, CES, […]
2022 Asian American Luminary Awards Nomination Program
In every field of achievement, from science and technology to arts and athletics to business and politics, Asian Americans are to be found, loyal to this country, adding to its diversity, and contributing to its distinction. Like other Americans, they are proud of their ethnic heritage, guarantee America’s paramount position leading and innovating for the […]
Next Century Leaders
Click this image to submit application.
2022 The 20th CIE/USA- Seattle APA Youth Scholarship Application
1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a. CIE Scholarship Award i. […]
From Foundations to Frontiers
CIE/USA-Seattle invited the President of Committee of 100 (百人会) to give CIE members a presentation of their landmark study about contributions of Chinese Americans to American society over the past 175 years. This is a good opportunity to know the history of Chinese Americans in US. Register here Time: Sep 30, 2021 06:30 PM PDT
2021 The 19th CIE/USA- Seattle APA Youth Scholarship Application
1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a. CIE Scholarship Award i. […]
AALA Seminars
The Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA-Seattle Chapter is proud and honored to present the 2021 Asian American Luminary Award (AALA) Seminar Series, featuring the 2020 AALA awardees and other guest speakers. The Seminar Series consists of four seminars to be held online during January – February, 2021. Saturday, January 16, 2021, Creating Unique Advantages for Startups Saturday, […]
AAEOY Speaker Series with David Lu, AT&T Labs
Summary AAEOY Speaker Series with David Lu, AT&T Labs, 5G – Perfect Collision of Mobile Communication and SDN, Musician to Tech Executive Description: AAEOY Speaker Series AAEOY (Asian American Engineer of the Year) is an annual recognition event on the national platform to honor the most distinguished Asian American professionals with their leadership, technical achievements […]
2020 CIE-USA/GNYC Annual Convention
You are cordially invited to attend the 2020 CIE-USA/GNYC Annual Convention, which will be held as a two-day virtual event on October 17th and 18th and is now open for registration. The theme for the convention this year is, “Building Resilience against Pandemic through Science and Technology“. Prominent experts in the areas of Cloud Computing, […]
Come and gain the education and skills for the 4th industrial revolution
About this Event Talk Abstract: Advances in information technologies and artificial intelligence are combining with advances in the biological sciences—including genetics, neuroscience, synthetic biology—as well as advances in the physical sciences to create breathtaking synergies, now recognized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is the fusion of digital, physical and biological worlds. The Fourth Industrial […]
The 2020 Third Annual Asian American Luminary Awards (AALA) Nomination Opens
In every field of achievement, from science and technology to arts and athletics to business and politics, Asian Americans are to be found, loyal to this country, adding to its diversity, and contributing to its distinction. Like other Americans, they are proud of their ethnic heritage, guarantee America’s paramount position leading and innovating for the […]
2020 The 18th CIE/SEA APA Youth Scholarship Application
1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a. CIE Scholarship Award i. […]
2019 Road-to-College Seminar
通向大学之路 美洲中国工程师学会西雅图分会邀应届学生现身说法 2023届美国大学申请已落下帷幕。多名曾获得美洲中国工程师学会亚太裔奖学金的高中毕业生获得了自己心仪大学的录取。美洲中国工程师学会西雅图分会特邀了几位同学现身说法,分享大学申请的成功经验。 这几位高中毕业生中有热心社会公益的,有音乐艺术优秀者,有新移民,没有体育文艺和大奖却进入心仪大学的,他们是邻家孩子,更是如大家的自家孩子。他们分别来自贝尔维尤Bellevue、华盛顿湖 Lake Washington 和西雅图Seattle等学区,今年分别被布朗Brown, 康乃尔Cornell, 芝加哥Chicago, 加州圣地亚哥UCSD, 斯坦福Stanford大学录取。另有宾州大学沃顿商学院UPenn Wharton大一学生也前来指导。 讲座于6月2日(周日)下午2点至4点,在微软园区举行。讲座免费对公众开放,有兴趣的学生和家长事先登记注册即可,届时凭注册记录进场。 讲座具体信息和注册方式如下: 时间:6月2日(周日)下午2点至4点 地点:微软园区(Microsoft Research Hall, Building 99/1919, 14820 NE 36th St., REdmond, WA 98052) 毕业生代表: Megan Lu Brown University Edwin Ong Stanford University Gloria Shi Cornell University Kai […]
2019 The 17th CIE/SEA APA Youth Scholarship Application
1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a. CIE Scholarship Award i. […]
2019 Asian American Luminary Awards Nomination Program
Asian American Luminary Awards (AALA) Selection Committee will select the award recipients from fields like Aerospace, Biomedicine / Global Health, Intelligent Technology, Telecommunication, Finance and Community Engagement (“Award Fields”) based on the following criteria and weighting factors: A. General Qualification: Nominee must be of Asian American heritage. Nominee must be a US citizen or legal […]

2018 CIE/SEA MathComp and ScienceFun
Registration 中国工程师学会2018年度数学比赛 2018 CIE MathComp/ScienceFun Event Chinese Institute of Engineers Saturday, November 10, 2018 from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM (PST) Bellevue, WA
Highlights of 2018 CIE/SEA Annual Convention
2018 CIE/USA – Seattle Annual Convention took place at the Bellevue Westin hotel on the September 8, 2018. Here are some highlights.
2018 Asian American Luminary Awardees
Acknowledgement CIE/USA – SEA would like to express its sincere appreciation to the following companies for their sponsorship, commitments or supports in making this year’s Convention a successful one. Diamond Sponsors Boeing Huawei Sugon Gold Sponsors Dorsey Lightel Wu Property TECO-SF Science Division Partners Chang-E, CHIME, Nanhai, SEC, VestLink
2018 CIE/SEA Convention Seminars
Session 1: Emerging & Breakthrough of AI applications (Grand Ballroom B) 13:00-13:40 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Industry (Dr. Anne Kao, Senior Technology Fellow, the Boeing Company) Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing fields in computer science, and the hottest topic in modern technology, promising to revolutionize our daily […]
2018 CIE/USA – SEA Annual Convention
Banquet/Seminars/Membership registration I Seminar Registration Only2018 CIE/USA – Seattle Annual Convention has been scheduled on the September 8, 2018 at the Bellevue Westin hotel. Highlighted celebration activities include keynote speeches, Asian American Luminary Awards (AALA), APA Youth Scholarship Awards, Business Exhibition, comprehensive “How New Technology Will Transform Your Life” seminars, Education & Civic Engagement seminars, […]
2018 Asian American Luminary Awards
Open nomination period: June 1 – July 22, 2018 Award ceremony: Sept. 8, 2018 at Westin Bellevue Program overview and selection criteria | Online nomination form Asian American Luminary Award (AALA) is a platform to honor and celebrate outstanding Asian American professionals and leaders with high achievements and contributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics […]
ROAD-to-COLLEGE Seminars
2018 Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE)/USA-Seattle education seminars ( 2022届美国大学发榜刚刚结束,你是否也在努力思考,应该怎样为去心仪的大学作准备? 美洲中国工程工程师学会(CIE-USA)西雅图分会有幸邀请到亚太裔奖学金(CIE APA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP)获得者来现场分享大学申请的成功经验,并请专家现场解读成功的原因。 这几位去年奖学金的获奖者;来自Bellevue, Lake Washington 和Seattle等学区,今年分别被加州理工(CalTech)、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)、哈佛大学及宾州大学沃顿商学院(UPenn Wharton)录取。 Do you have kid(s) in high school? Are you seeking ideas for his/her college application? You will find what you need at CIE’s ROAD-to-COLLEGE education seminars. Chinese Institute of Engineers / USA – SEATTLE has the […]
2018 The 16th CIE/USA- Seattle APA Youth Scholarship Competition
CIE Scholarship Overview | Online Application | Recommendation Letter Form | FAQ 1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship […]